Wraparound Resources & Services
Academic Achievement
and Career Development
Our goal is to help students recover, maintain, and/or improve academic performance while also providing high-quality career and college counseling in grades 9 - 12. The specific intent of Student Support Services is to guide students towards Academic Achievement and Career Development by increasing reading and math proficiency, increasing on-time promotion, increasing course pass rates, increasing student participation and success in highly rigorous courses, increasing school and district graduation rate, and increasing the percentage of students attending college, as well as, increasing scholarship dollars earned.
Health Services
School nurses provide health services that increase school attendance and prevent and control the spread of communicable diseases. Our nurses manage students with chronic health conditions and administer specialized services to students, including medications, insulin, inhalers, tube feedings and tracheostomy care. They are responsible for verification of immunizations and provide hearing / vision screenings.
Community Services
Greene County Family Connections
Controlled at the community level, Family Connection is present in every county in Georgia. It is the largest statewide network of communities in the nation that have made a commitment to improve results for children and families.
Social Emotional Learning
(Mental Health)
Our goal is to support students as they practice and gain skills associated with the components of emotional intelligence, self-regulation, mindfulness, and resiliency. Our focus is to increase student optimism and self-worth, as well as his/her sense of belonging and purpose as these attributes associated with school and life success. Qualitative and quantitative student voice information, student surveys, attendance, discipline data, as well as, arrest and in/out of school suspension data will be utilized to monitor student progress and program impact.
Families that need support with basic needs such as food items or basic hygiene supplies may be served through the referral of counselors and/or social workers. The local food pantry housed at Morningside Aprtments in Greensboro serves students and families from Greene county. GCHS will also offer a food pantry as part of the WrapAround Services, in addition to food distribution opportunities. This GCHS food pantry serves all current GCHS students.