Student Attendance
Key Points of Attendance
- Only five (5) notes from parents will be accepted as excused (for excusable reasons). Medical notes will be required thereafter. Parent notes will have a separate excuse code in Infinite Campus.
- At six (6) unexcused absences, the student will be referred to the School Social Worker for additional intervention, and the parent will be invited to an Attendance Support Team (AST) meeting the following week.
- Beyond six (6) unexcused absences, the parents may be asked to consent to reviewing their child’s attendance and other concerns with community agencies at the next Local Interagency Planning Team (LIPT) meeting to avoid court intervention.
- The community stakeholders (School, Sheriff’s office, SROs, DFCS, Juvenile Court, DJJ, Superior Court ) are currently developing agreements to develop consistency as to when specific referrals will be made to community support agencies, LIPT, and local authorities regarding attendance.
- Each Principal has the option to determine, based on class time missed, if a specific amount of tardies will be handled as unexcused absences and warrant referral to the Social Worker or AST.
- Parents are encouraged to use the Parent Portal to monitor attendance.
Student Attendance - Board Policy JB
Regulation for Student Attendance - JB-R(1)