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Teaching and Learning

The Greene County School System's Mission is to educate, inspire, challenge, and support students to become college and career ready. 

To carry out this mission, the Teaching and Learning staff are committed to providing comprehensive academic programming built with research-based curricula that align to Georgia content standards. We are committed to continuous improvement in the design and delivery of our curriculum, the formative process for monitoring learning, and integrating effective scaffolded instruction so that all students can access Tier 1, grade-level content. This means that, every day in every classroom, our focus is to instruct with high expectations, facilitate meaningful connections to content, build knowledge about the world, enhance disciplinary skills, and build relationships with students so that they can thrive in school and beyond.

Every Classroom. Every Day.

Review the information below to learn more about Greene County School System's Instructional Expectations for all PreK-12th grade classrooms.
   *While each grade level or content area may have other specific expectations, these are common for all classrooms in the Greene County School System.


Greene County School System


GCSS Instructional Delivery Expectations

Each grade level, content area, or curriculum resource in GCSS may have specific expectations related to daily instruction. Faculty are expected to follow the instructional guidelines given for their grade level, content area, and district-provided curriculum. However, some common instructional delivery expectations span our Pre-K – 12th grade classrooms.

All GCSS faculty are committed to providing effective, high-quality education to all students.

1) We will engage our students in every classroom, every day.

  • Faculty and Staff are consistently on time and present at work to ensure consistency in teaching and learning.
  • Students are greeted positively as they enter any classroom - a calm and engaging atmosphere where students are treated with respect.
  • Teachers will allow students time to process what they have learned.
  • Teachers will use a variety of research-based, high-impact instructional practices daily.
  • Teachers will ensure that technology is intentionally planned for use as a tool to support learning.
  • Students will use technology to create products that demonstrate their knowledge and skills.
  • Teachers will ensure students have the opportunity to S.W.I.R.L. in class daily (speak, write,
    investigate/question, read, and listen.)

2) We will teach our curriculum with integrity by adapting resources and instruction to meet the needs of our students while respecting the philosophy and intent of the curriculum and state standards.

  • Teachers will use the district-approved curriculum, pacing guides, and instructional resources developed for the grade level and/or subject area.
  • Teachers will collaborate with colleagues to develop instructional plans that build equitable classrooms.
  • Teachers will ensure that they clearly explain what students need to know and be able to do for each lesson and unit of study.

3) We will continually monitor the progress of our students.

  • Teachers will use a variety of formative learning tasks that inform both students and teachers of a student’s path to mastery of the content or skill.
  • Teachers will use formative and summative assessments that accompany our curriculum resources.
  • Teachers will identify students who are not meeting standards, meeting standards, or exceeding standards and adjust instruction based on assessment results.
  • Teachers will collaboratively analyze student data from diagnostic testing, progress monitoring, and classroom assessments and use the data to adjust instruction.
  • Teachers will provide specific feedback that informs students of their strengths and weaknesses on content knowledge and skills regularly.


Department staff

1 2 3 14 > showing 1 - 20 of 269 constituents

Alyssa Adams

Titles: Teacher
Locations: CMS

Brenda Adams

Titles: Teacher
Locations: GCES

Srinvas Akella

Titles: Instructional Coach
Locations: CMS

Tracey Alexander

Titles: Student Support
Locations: GCPK

Tyya Alexander

Titles: Teacher
Locations: GCPK

Ryan Andrews

Titles: Teacher
Locations: GCHS

Tanya Ansley

Titles: Instructional Coach
Locations: GCES

John Arnold

Titles: Teacher
Locations: GCHS

Candy Arwood

Titles: Teacher
Locations: GCHS

Jodi Ashurst

Titles: School Nurse
Locations: GCHS

Clay Atherton

Titles: Assistant Director of Technology
Locations: CBJ

Felicia Atwater

Titles: Media Specialist
Locations: GCHS

Haley Azar

Titles: Teacher
Locations: GCHS

Bailey Baker

Titles: Teacher
Locations: GCES

Joe Bashore

Titles: Board Member
Locations: CBJ

Jacob Baxley

Titles: Teacher
Locations: GCHS

Julie Benkoski

Titles: Teacher
Locations: GCHS

Pamela Bennett

Titles: PREP
Locations: GCHS

Debra Benson

Titles: Parapro
Locations: GCES

Linda Billingsley

Titles: Parapro
Locations: GCPK

Contact Information:
Mrs. Crystal Parten, Ed.S.
Director of Teaching and Learning
101 E. Third Street, Greensboro, GA 30642 | Office: (706) 453-7688 | Fax: (706) 453-9019