Employee Handbook
Employee Handbook
The Employee Handbook represents a brief summary of employment policies, rules and practices of the Greene County Board of Education as they relate to expectations for Board employees and the benefits/ services available at the time of publication. A copy of the Greene County Policy Manual is available in the Superintendent’s Office, in each media center and principal’s office, and on Simbli, the school district’s online board management software.
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For verification of employment, PSLF loan forgiveness, income verification, and similar questions, please contact:
Mrs. Allyson Harrison
HR Clerk
Office: 706-453-7688 ext. 2022
Email: allyson.harrison@greene.k12.ga.us
For questions about employment opportunities, contact:
Dr. Russell Brock
Assistant Superintendent
Office: 706-453-7688 ext. 2012
Email: russell.brock@greene.k12.ga.us