School Supply Lists
School Supply Lists
Greene County Primary School
CBJ Preschool
- Book bag (clear or mesh)
- Blanket
- Change of clothes (seasonal)
- 1” white notebook
- 1” black notebook
Class Donations
- snacks for 22
- sanitizer
- Kleenex
- baby wipes
- paper towels
- disinfectant wipes
- storage bags
- sandwich bags
Please Note
- This is a general list of supplies to get students started for the year.
- Please send in supplies on the first day of school.
- Please label all coats and jackets with student name.
- 1 clear or mesh book bag with student’s name
- 1 over the ear headset (sturdy), no ear buds
- 2 boxes of 24 Crayola crayons
- 1 box of black fine point dry erase markers
- 1 box of broad point dry erase markers
- 1 4-count washable glue sticks
- 1box each of quart and gallon zip lock bags
- 1 large boxes facial tissue
- 3 disinfectant wipes
- 1 large bottle hand sanitizer
Please Note
- This is a general list of supplies to get students started for the year.
- Please send in supplies on the first day of school.
- Please label all coats and jackets with student name.
1st Grade
- 1 clear or mesh book bag with student’s name
- 1 over-the-ear headset (sturdy), no ear buds
- 2 boxes of 24 crayons
- 1 clipboard
- 1 12-count box of colored pencils
- 2 wide ruled composition notebooks
- 4 large pink pearl erasers (not pencil top)
- 1 clear view white 1 inch 3 ring binder
- 1 box of skinny black Expo markers
- 1 blue clear view 1 inch binder (STEM/Specials) (no spiral)
- 1 6-count washable glue sticks
- 1 pack of dividers with pockets (5 count)
- 1 8-count washable markers
- 1 box of #2 FAT pencils (no mechanical pencils)
- 2 boxes of #2 regular pencils
- 1 plastic pencil box
- 1 plastic zipper pouch for binder (with 3 holes)
- 1 pair of 5 inch pointed scissors
- 1 box each of quart and gallon zip lock bags
- 4 large boxes of facial tissue
- 3 disinfectant wipes
- 1 large bottle of hand sanitizer
Please Note
- This is a general list of supplies to get students started for the year.
- Please send in supplies on the first day of school.
- Please label all coats and jackets with student name.
1st Grade Wish List Items:
• Paper Towels,
• Disinfectant Wipes
• Tissues
• Hand Sanitizer
2nd Grade
- 1 clear or mesh book bag with student’s name
- 1 over-the-ear headset (sturdy), no ear buds
- 2 boxes of 24 Crayola crayons
- 4 wide ruled composition notebooks (the black & white notebooks; 1 for STEM)
- 1 box of black fine point dry eraser markers
- 1 box of black broad point dry erasers
- 4 large pink pearl erasers
- 1 8-count washable glue sticks
- 4 boxes of #2 Ticonderoga sharpened pencils with erasers
- 1 clear plastic zipper pouch for binder
- 1 pair of 5-inch scissors
- 1 box each of quart and gallon zip lock bags
- 4 boxes of facial tissue
- 2 disinfectant wipes
- 1 large bottle of hand sanitizer
Please Note
- This is a general list of supplies to get students started for the year.
- Please send in supplies on the first day of school.
- Please label all coats and jackets with student name.
3rd Grade
- 1 clear or mesh book bag with student’s name
- 1 over-the-ear headset (sturdy), no ear buds
- 1 box colored pencils
- 12 #2 sharpened pencils with erasers
- 1 box of 24 crayons
- 1 large pair metal pointed scissors
- 1 8-count washable glue sticks
- 1 wide ruled composition notebook (1 for STEM)
- 6 marbled composition notebooks
- 8 pocket folders (2-red,2-yellow,2-blue, 2-green)
- 1 pkg. loose leaf notebook paper (wide ruled)
- 2 boxes of black, fine point dry erase markers
- 2 pkgs. pencil top erasers or large pink pearl erasers
- 1 6-count box fluorescent yellow highlighters
- 2 pencil boxes or pouches
- 1 blue clear view 1-inch binder (STEM/Specials)
- 1 box each of quart and gallon zip lock bags
- 4 boxes of facial tissue
- 3 disinfectant wipes
- 1 large bottle of hand sanitizer
Please Note
- This is a general list of supplies to get students started for the year.
- Please send in supplies on the first day of school.
- Please label all coats and jackets with student name.
4th Grade
- 1 clear or mesh book bag labeled with student’s name
- 1 over-the-ear headset (sturdy), no ear buds
(2) 2” Binders
(2) packs of dividers with at least 5 dividers
3 composition notebooks (1 for STEM)
Pencils - 24 count
1 Pencil Pouch (No boxes)
2 packs of wide ruled paper
2 packs of large erasers
(2) 8 count of expo markers
4 pack of Clorox wipes
4 pack of tissues
1 pack of sandwich ziploc bags
1 pack of gallon size ziploc bags
2 packs of paper towels
Please Note
- This is a general list of supplies to get students started for the year.
- Please send in supplies on the first day of school.
- Please label all coats and jackets with student name.
Carson Middle School
5th Grade
**ALL students must have a CLEAR or MESH backpack**
- 1-packs of Lined Paper
- 1-inch binder
- 2-plastic 3-Pronged Pocket Folders
- 1-Pack of Colored Pencils
- 1-12 Pack of #2 Pencils (NO Mechanical pencils)
- 2 Glue Sticks
- 1-pack Pencil Top Erasers
- 1-Pencil Pouch/Box
- 1 Handheld Pencil Sharpener
- 1 Box of Kleenex
- 1 Bottle of Hand Sanitizer
- 1 Sanitizing Wipes
6th Grade
**ALL students must have a CLEAR or MESH backpack**
- 2 composition books (1 for each semester)
- scissors
- glue sticks
- pencils
- colored pencils
- handheld sharpener
- crayons or markers
- loose-leaf notebook paper
- 2 pocker folder
- highlighters (multiple colors)
- pencil pounch (bring to class daily)
- 3-subject spiral notebook
- 4 1-subject spiral notebooks
- post-it notes
- note cards
7th Grade
8th Grade
**ALL students must have a CLEAR or MESH backpack**
● 2 inch binder (1)
● tab dividers
● pencils
● pens (blue or black ink)
● crayons or colored pencils
● scissors
● tape or glue
● graph/grid paper
● notebook paper
● highlighters
● 2- 5 subject spiral notebooks (one for each semester in science)
● 4- 3 subject spiral notebooks (one for each semester in SS and ELA)
● index cards
● post-it notes
Greene County High School
Basic Supply List for ALL GRADES
- Pencils
- Pens (blue or black)
- Erasers
- Composition Notebooks
- Notebook Paper
- Graph Paper
- 3 ring binders
- Pocket Folders
- Colored Pencils
- Highlighters
- Bottle of glue or glue sticks
- Scissors
- Index Cards
- Ruler
- Scientific Calculator
- Clear or Mesh Backpack Only
- (Student can only have these types of backpacks.)
**Students will need to check their syllabus or supply list from their specific teachers at open house to confirm which items are needed for a specific class.