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GSBA Strategic Improvement Planning phrases or words.

GSBA Strategic Improvement Planning phrases or words.

Listed below are phrases or words used in the GSBA Strategic Improvement Planning model.

Continuous Improvement Process – A process whereby the district, on a routine and systematic basis, reviews and updates the “district”and “school” strategic improvement plans.  Questions used to facilitate this process include “Who are we?”, “Where are we now?”, “Where do wewant to go?”, “How will we know when we have arrived?” and “How do we plan to get there?”.  

“District” Strategic Improvement Plan – The district strategic improvement plan serves as the strategic and operational improvement plan for the school system.  The district strategic improvement plan is developed and updated using a continuous improvement process.  

School Improvement Plan – A school improvement plan is aligned to the district strategic improvement plan and serves as the strategic and operational plan for the school.  The school strategic improvement plan is developed and updated using a continuous improvement process.   

Planning Team – A group of 20 – 25 people, both internal and external, who work to develop the district Beliefs, Mission, Vision, Strategic Goal Areas or Goals and Strategic Priorities.    

Action Team(s) – A group of 5 – 7 people, primarily staff, who work to develop the Performance Objectives, Measures & Targets for a Strategic Goal Area or Goal.  Typically there will be a different action team for each Strategic Goal Area or Goal.   

Beliefs – The fundamental convictions and core values that guide the actions and decisions of an district 

Mission – Defines why a district exists; the district’s purpose/core work; all operational functions, actions and decisions should support the mission.    

Vision – The statement of a district’s picture of future success which communicates; where it wants to be in the future.  The vision helps to determine the district strategic perspectives. 

Stakeholder Input– Data gathered from stakeholders, internal and external.  May be in the form of a survey or public engagement session.  

SWOT Analysis – Listing of district’s strengths (S), weaknesses (W), opportunities (O) and threats (T).    

Strategic Goal Areas or Goals  – District Strategic Improvement Plans typically have between three to five strategic goal areas which provide a framework to describe the district’s mission and vision.  Strategic Goal Areas highlight the key areas that a district must address as it works to achieve its mission.  

Strategic Priorities – 2 to 4 key measurable performance areas under each strategic goal or goal area in which the district needs to put special emphasis.   
Strategic Dashboard – Graphical report that captures, for quick review, the strategic priority measures of the district.   

Performance Objectives – Are concise statements that describe the specific strategies within each strategic goal or goal area that must be performed for a district to achieve its desired results.  Performance Objectives along with specific performance measures will be used to determine progress towards overall strategic goals or goal areas. Performance objectives should be stated in action terms, beginning with an action verb, such as improve, increase, reduce, initiate, develop, lower, become, achieve, etc.  

Performance Measures – Are quantifiable measures used to evaluate and communicate performance against targeted results.  Performance Measures are tools used to determine whether districts, groups and individual performers are meeting performance objectives and moving toward the successful implementation of strategic goals.   

Performance Targets – Desired levels of performance for performance measures, usually expressed as a number or percentage, and expected to be achieved by a specific time.

Performance Scorecard – An actual report of performance objectives used to evaluate target vs. actual results of performance measures over time.  The performance scorecard presents a balanced view of the success of the district.    

Action Plan(s) – A set of initiatives with individual action steps for the board of education, district and individual schools to implement one of the stated performance objectives.  Action plans should reflect cost implications, resources needed, personnel responsible and timeframe for completion.  

Initiatives – A plan, program, project, process, or task that will have a positive impact on progress towards a performance objective.  

Action Steps – Individual steps needed to be completed to execute an initiative which is linked to a performance objective.