Educational Acronyms and Definitions
Educational Acronyms and Definitions
ACT – American College Testing
AP – Advanced Placement
AUP – Acceptable Use Policy – A set of rules to guide the use of school technology resources for security and compliance purposes
AYP - Adequate Yearly Progress
BD - Behavior Disorder
BOE - Board of Education
CAP - Corrective Action Plan
Charter system – A charter system provides the opportunity for teachers, administrators, parents, and local school boards to have greater flexibility to determine the educational needs of students within their district and requires school level governance.
CCGPS - (Common Core Georgia Performance Standards) – Georgia’s version of the Common Core State Standards for English/ Language Arts and Mathematics. They replaced the previous Georgia Performance Standards in those subjects.
CCRPI - (College and Career Ready Performance Index) – Georgia’s school and district accountability system that replaced AYP when the state received a waiver from the U.S. DOE
CTAE - (Career, Technical, and Agricultural Education) – Division within the Georgia Department of Education responsible for administering the College and Career Pathways.
DFACS – Department of Family and Children Services
DOE - Department of Education
DHR - Department of Human Resources
EIP - Early Intervention Program
EOC - (End of Course) – The Georgia Milestones Assessment for students in grades 9 -12 (formerly known as the EOCT)
EOCT – End of Course Tests; tests given to students in grades 9-12.
EOG - (End of Grade) – The Georgia Milestones Assessment for students in grades 3-8 (formerly known as the CRCT)
ESEA - Elementary and Secondary Education Act
ESOL – English to Speakers of Other Languages; the instructional program that assists students in learning English that follows the requirements outlined in State Board of Education Rule 160-4-5-.02 LANGUAGE ASSISTANCE: PROGRAM FOR LIMITED ENGLISH PROFICIENT (LEP) STUDENTS.
ESPLOST – Education Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax
FERPA - Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
FTE - Full-time Equivalent
FY - Fiscal Year
GaDOE – Georgia Department of Education
Georgia Milestones - (Georgia Milestones Assessment System) – Georgia’s summative assessments which includes end of course and end of grade measures of how much of the standards students learned. The Georgia Milestones replaced the CRCTs and previous EOCTs during the 2014-2015 school year.
GED – General Education Development (Diploma)
GEMA - Georgia Emergency Management Agency
GHP - Governor's Honors Program
GHSA - Georgia High School Association
GHSGT – Georgia High School Graduation Test
GHSWT – Georgia High School Writing Test
GKIDS – Georgia Kindergarten Inventory of Developing Skills
GPA – Grade Point Average
GSBA - Georgia School Boards Association
HQ staff – Highly Qualified staff
IB – International Baccalaureate
IC – Infinite Campus
IDEA – Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
IE2 - (Investing in Educational Excellence) – Partnership Contracts are intended to provide local school districts with greater governance flexibility as a means to increasing student achievement. As created by House Bill 1209 (2008), Local Boards of Education (LBOE) can enter into multi-year contracts with the
IEP – Individualized Education Plan
LKES - (Leader Keys Effectiveness System) – Evaluation/assessment systems designed for school leaders, primarily principals
Loti Levels – Level of Technology Integration
MOU - (Memorandum of Understanding) – A legally binding contractual agreement between two parties
MTSS – Multi-Tiered Student Support
NWEA –Northwest Evaluation Association
PD – Professional Development
PLC – Professional Learning Communities
PSAT – Preliminary Scholastic Assessment Test
RESAs - (Regional Education Support Agencies) – State supported agencies charged with helping local school systems meet their educational needs through the sharing of services across school system lines. All RESAs are required to provide services in research and planning, staff development, curriculum and instruction, assessment and evaluation, technology, health, and school improvement.
RTI – Response to Intervention
SACS – Southern Association of Colleges and Schools
SAT – Scholastic Aptitude Test
SGP - (Student Growth Percentile) – Describes a student’s growth (how much they learned over a given time period) relative to other students with similar prior achievement statewide. Used in Georgia’s Student Growth Model
SLOs - (Student Learning Objectives) – for non-tested subjects, SLOs describe what students are expected to learn in a given academic year as measured by a pre-assessment and post-assessment.
Status Quo - A "status quo" school is very similar to the existing public school. "Status quo" systems and schools must meet all federal and state accountability measures. They can only apply for state waivers due to dire emergency.
SWD – Students with Disabilities
TKES - (Teacher Keys Effectiveness System) –Teacher evaluation/effectiveness system used to distinguish between good teachers, great teachers, and ineffective ones, the primary focus of the teacher effectiveness system is to help improve instruction and to better design professional development activities to meet teacher needs.
TOTY – Teachers of the Year