Comprehensive LEA Improvement Plan (C.L.I.P.)
Comprehensive LEA Improvement Plan (C.L.I.P)
Greene County School System (GCSS), also referred to as the Local Educational Agency (LEA) or district, is committed to establishing partnerships with parents and community members and encourages their participation in the design, implementation, and evaluation of its Comprehensive LEA Improvement Plan (Title Funded Programs).
In order to receive federal funds, the LEA must submit a Comprehensive LEA Improvement Plan (CLIP).
The CLIP is comprised of three parts:
1. ESEA/IDEA Plan Descriptors
2. System Profile
3. LEA Implementation Plan
Under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), Title I regulations for federal compliance, parents are encouraged to provide input on the revisions of the district’s Comprehensive LEA Improvement Plan (CLIP). All feedback will be used during revisions of the plan. You can review the C.L.I.P. by clicking on the link below. Hard copies of all Title I documents are also available in the main office of your child’s school or the media center. Feedback may be submitted by electronically submitting feedback using the “comment box” below. You may also provide comment at any time to your child’s principal or the district’s Title I Director.