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What is Strategic Waivers School System (SWSS)?

  • Definition:
    A local district that has a performance contract with the SBOE (State Board of Education) granting the district freedom from specific Title 20 provisions, SBOE rules, and GaDOE (Georgia Department of Education) guidelines

    Facts & Features:
    Contract is between the district and the SBOE
    GOSA (Governor’s Office of Student Achievement) role is target setting and performance monitoring
    District gains flexibility to innovate in exchange for increased academic accountability

    Relative Advantages/ Disadvantages:
    Flexibility to innovate
    Financial savings possible from waivers
    Loss of governance over schools that fail to meet performance targets after five years
    No school-level governing boards

    Federal/State Compliance:
    Must comply with all federal laws and regulations

    Must comply with all state laws, rules and regulations not waived by the SWSS/IE2 contract

    As of July 1, 2015, districts that chose the IE2 flexibility option are now known as Strategic Waivers School Systems (SWSS). Ref: House Bill 502

  • Please direct all communication or media questions to:

    Emily McClure
    Director of Communications
    Greene County School System
    101 East Third Street
    Greensboro, GA  30642
    Office:  (706) 453-7688 ext. 2015