
  • Gifted services are available for all eligible students in grades kindergarten through grade 12.  

    According to Georgia Board Rule 160-4-2-.38, a gifted and talented student is defined as one who demonstrates a high degree of intellectual and/or creative ability(ies), exhibits an exceptionally high degree of motivation, and/or excels in specific academic fields, and who needs special differentiated instruction and/or special ancillary services to achieve at levels which commensurate with his or her ability(ies).   

    For more information on Gifted, contact Mrs. Crystal Parten: 


2024-2025 GCSS Gifted Manual

How do students qualify for the GCSS Gifted Program? There are two options:

  • A.

    Grade Level

    Mental Ability Test Score

    Achievement Test Score

    K - 2

    99th percentile by age

    Composite or full scale score only

    >90th percentile in –


    K: Total Math

    1st: Total Math or Total Reading

    2nd: Total Math or Total Reading or Composite


    OR Product/Performance*

    3 - 12

    >96th percentile by age

    Composite or full scale score only

    >90th percentile in Total Reading or Total Math or Composite




    Grade Level

    Mental Ability





    >96th percentile by age on a composite/full scale score ORappropriate component score on a standardized test of mental ability.

    >90th percentile on total reading, total math, ORcomposite score of a standardized achievement test.

    >90th percentile on the total battery score of a standardized creativity test




    >90th percentile on a standardized creativity characteristics rating scale.

    >90th percentile on a standardized motivational characteristics rating scale.

  • What is a percentile?

    • If your child gets a score in the 90%ile, that means that if 100 students the same age took the test, your child scored better than 90 of them. 

    • 50%ile is average. 

    • Many parents see an 89 and think the student missed the score by one question, instead of 1 percentile point. There is a big difference.


  • Which assessments does GCSS use for Gifted Identification?

  • > Cognitive Ability Assessment: Naglieri General Abilities Test: Verbal, Nonverbal, Quantitative

  • > Achievement Test: iReady Diagnostic - Reading and Mathematics

  • > Creativity: Torrence Test of Creative Thinking

  • > Motivation: Gifted Rating Scale

  • What standards guide Gifted Education?

  • Contact Information:
    Mrs. Crystal Parten, Ed.S.
    Director of Teaching and Learning
    101 E. Third Street, Greensboro, GA 30642 | Office: (706) 453-7688 | Fax: (706) 453-9019